
  • New directors join Livestock Research Innovation Corporation board

    Guelph ON, 27 July 2020: Three experienced livestock industry professionals have joined the Board of the Livestock Research Innovation Corporation (LRIC) as directors. Jean Szkotnicki, Jim White, and Franco Naccarato assumed their new roles at LRIC’s recently held annual general meeting.

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  • Farmer answering questions from a consumer while being videotaped

    Advocacy key to advancing innovation

    Canadian Poultry July/August 2020: Advocacy is something most farm organizations are undertaking in some way, whether with government, consumers, or other stakeholders. It can also be all of the above – or a combination of various target audiences, depending on the issue or the need.

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  • Dare to be dull

    Farmtario, 26 June 2020: I am sure you have heard the old saying “May you live in interesting times”. Now, into month three of COVID-19, never have I wished so much not to be living in such “interesting times”.

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  • Grid variation

    Ontario Hog Farmer, June/July 2020: Hog farmers in Canada are paid for their animals based on a marketing grid that includes carcass weight and leanness. Premiums and deductions are applied based on how precisely pigs meet those specific parameters – and variability can have impacts across the supply chain, starting right on the farm.

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  • COVID-19 changing livestock research

    Farmtario, 4 May 2020: The widespread impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are being felt by the livestock research programs at the University of Guelph. Most active livestock research at the University falls into three categories: shutdown, scale back, or continuing/new.

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  • Watermark LRIC logo

    Advice from the experts – top biosecurity tips for beef farmers

    Ontario Beef, May 2020: In our strange new world of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is now doing what farmers have been doing for years: practicing biosecurity. Agriculture, more than most sectors, has been living biosecurity for decades in an effort to keep livestock healthy and disease-free.

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  • Boots outside a barn door ready to be put on before entering the facility

    Advice from the experts – top biosecurity tips for the poultry sector

    Canadian Poultry, May 2020: Agriculture, more than most sectors, has been living biosecurity for decades in an effort to keep poultry and livestock healthy and disease-free. For poultry, that includes trade-limiting, reportable infections but also economically important diseases.

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  • Mark Tizard holding a hen

    Is gene editing poultry’s next frontier?

    Canadian Poultry, February 2020: Five years ago, the Food and Drug Administration in the United States approved a transgenic chicken. Today, genomics, DNA markers and new gene editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 are opening up new possibilities for genetic improvements in poultry.

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  • Laying hens

    Combating false layer syndrome

    Canadian Poultry, February/March 2020: Following good biosecurity protocols at all times is the best way to reduce the risk of False Layer Syndrome to poultry flocks. If the disease is transmitted, early detection is key to reducing its economic impact.

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